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Frequently Asked Silicone Removal Questions

What is silicone injection removal?

In recent years, a growing number of people have sought to enhance their appearance without the need for surgery. As part of this never-ending quest for facial and bodily perfection, some unethical doctors and illegal practitioners have promoted the use of injected silicone to reduce wrinkles and plump up the face and body. Unfortunately, many of their victims are only just now realizing the harmful effects of these products on both their appearance and health.

FDA Warning

In 2017, the FDA issued a serious warning about the dangers of silicone fillers used in body contouring procedures. The FDA warned that buttocks enhancements using silicone were particularly dangerous due to the presence of numerous blood vessels in the area that can allow silicone to travel throughout the body and lead to blockages in the brain, lungs or heart.

If you have experienced side effects like swelling, pain, or disfiguration from silicone injections, you will need some solid information to guide your decision when it comes to mitigation.

Let’s take a look at some of the most Frequently Asked Questions to get you started.

What is silicone injection removal?

Silicone is a foreign substance that your body treats as an invader. Its presence leads to the development of scar tissue that can cause hardness and localized pain. This unwelcome development can be addressed using silicone injection removal techniques.

How does silicone injection removal work?

The removal process can be quite difficult. Liposuction works in some cases, although surgery may be required when the injected silicone has migrated elsewhere in the body. More recent techniques involve the use of lasers to remove the harmful silicone.

What are the pros and cons of removing injected silicone?

The main benefit of removing silicone is the elimination or reduction of adverse events resulting from the injection. These may include pain, inflammation, redness, and itching. Silicone can even migrate to other parts of the body, leading to serious medical conditions like infection or stroke.

The drawback of silicone removal includes downtime that tends to be lengthy and uncomfortable. You may be sidelined for up to two weeks. After the procedure, you may have to deal with pain, stitches, swelling and bruising.

Who makes an ideal candidate for silicone injection removal?

You may be a good candidate for this procedure if you have had significant side effects following a silicone implant or injection. However, this procedure is not for everyone. Ultimately, the best way to determine if you would make an appropriate candidate for this procedure is for us to examine you at your initial consultation.

How is a silicone removal procedure performed?

There are a variety of techniques available to remove dangerous silicone, including liposuction procedures, tissue removal and cold laser. Unfortunately, the complete removal of silicone is not always possible.

Why is closed surgery recommended over open surgery for removing silicone injections?

Closed surgery is recommended over open surgery because it is less invasive and leads to less scarring, or no scarring at all. Open surgery is known for causing complications like disfigurement and nerve damage. You can also expect less swelling and a swifter recovery following a closed procedure.

What about my results?

After your swelling has subsided and your body has healed, you should feel better and experience fewer side effects related to your silicone injections.

Is there a risk of complications?

Although there is always a risk of complications following any type of surgery, this procedure is considered to be fairly safe because of recent technological advances. Complications may include bruising, numbness, infection, and excessive blood loss. Another possible complication is a fat embolism, which is a rare situation involving the release of fat into the bloodstream that travels to the lungs.

What can I expect during my recovery?

When it comes to recovery, each patient is different. We will provide you with complete post-procedure instructions and a timeline for your recovery. You can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort that can be alleviated using compression garments and pain medication.

You may be advised to avoid vigorous physical activities until you have been cleared. You may also need to avoid sitting for lengthy periods.

How much does the surgery cost?

The cost of silicone injection removal surgery varies, depending upon your own individual situation. Please contact the office of Dr. Antun today to schedule a surgical consultation and begin the process of restoring your health and appearance.


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